7 August 2024 Blog Uncategorized 0

IGNITE 2024-Cambridge Judge Business School

IGNITE 2024 was a unique and enriching learning experience, and I was thrilled to be a part of it. I loved facilitating the programme and helping participants transform their ideas into viable business cases. Being part of their journey was truly exciting.

Thanks to Ann Davidson, Sayara Thompson, and Jack Davies for organising the programme and inviting me.

We focused on five essential areas for the entrepreneurship journey:

  • Strategic Positioning and Value Creation
  • Business Models and Routes to Market
  • Finance and Legal for startups
  • Building Teams and Negotiations
  • Selling Your Idea and Pitching 

These areas featured keynotes, classroom learning, panel discussions and mentorship. I loved being among brilliant academic minds and outstanding entrepreneurs who led this transformative experience. We gained new perspectives, refined business strategies, and built a strong network within the entrepreneurship community.

Here are some key takeaways:

💡 Achieve exceptional results by breaking away from the crowd. What’s your unique and unconventional vision?

💡 Team values and behaviours can either boost or hinder performance. Ensure they align with and complement your goals.

💡 Growth and traction are vital for progress. How can you creatively leverage these to reach your goals intentionally?

What else IGNITE 2024 offers

IGNITE 2024 offered excellent lectures, workshops, and venture panel discussions. Hearing real startup stories from the Ventures Panel 1 discussion with Césaré Cejas, PhD, MBA and Hannah Sore, chaired by Richard Vellacott, and the Ventures Panel 2 discussion with Matthew Cleevely, Syed Qureshi, Alex Smeets, and Franck Courbon, chaired by John Yeomans was inspiring.

IGNITE 2024-Cambridge Judge Business School/CBS

We also had the chance to learn from and discuss Deep Tech Startups in Cambridge and Europe with Hermann Hauser and Lord Karan Bilimoria, who shared his journey building COBRA Beer Company.


Working with my team was a highlight:

This is just a snippet. IGNITE 2024 was highly interactive and perfect for anyone with innovative business ideas. I highly recommend it.

Stay tuned for Ignite 2025 at Cambridge Judge Business School.


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